What You Measure: Education, Economics, Justice || cw: pedophilia, rape, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, police violence

I've been thinking alot recently about how we often take actions that seem moral because they make us feel or look good, rather then actually improving the system. Like, I try to avoid buying plastic where I can, but why? It doesn't actually improve anything, that plastic is just bought by someone else with the same needs as me. What would actually improve the world is industrial action and economic reform, but instead I avoid buying plastic because I've been fooled into thinking that morality and justice is an invisible number somewhere inside me that determines my worth and ticks up and down with every action. Even if that action realistically never could effect the system, good or bad. I'm just measuring the wrong things.

You still should try to take small individual environmental actions, not because they're likely to change anything, but because it's just a tiiiny bit better then not doing it, but don't let yourself think that you or other people are better or worse people for it.

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