How We Think About Patents At Coinbase - Brian Armstrong

Still didn't invent the shit you're trying to patent, just because no one else has patented it yet doesn't mean you should.

Our ultimate goal in obtaining bitcoin related patents is to keep them out of the hands of bad people

No proof you are either good or bad so far, trying to steal others ideas and claim them as your own isn't a great indicator though.

software patents feel especially bad in our industry. But that is not going to stop other large companies from going after bitcoin patents and using them offensively.

So others are going to do the bad thing so you're doing us all a favour by beating them to it?

By refusing to file bitcoin patents you aren’t helping bitcoin or “doing the right thing”, you are simply putting your own company at risk.

Bitcoin is made up of a whole bunch of different parts that existed far before you came along. Stop trying to sound like you're taking the moral highground when you're just stealing other peoples work.

First, if the patent application is rejected, you still succeed in creating a prior record of the technology. This can serve as useful evidence in the defense of future frivolous infringement claims

Second, if the patent application is accepted, you cover as much of your technology as possible to reduce the risk that opponents of bitcoin can threaten you.

If we don't get the patents we'll act like we did the right thing, otherwise we just get patents for things we didn't invent.

First off, we did sign The Patent Pledge which is a good start. Although, my understanding is that it is not legally binding, so it might not give people much comfort.

It's for patents and we know it but it makes us look good and feel all moral and tingly inside.

So in conclusion: Our company isn't like those other companies, you should totally trust us and support while we continue to steal from others in the future.

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