What are the effects of growing up without rules and structure?

My single mother had a similar approach. I'm the oldest, my sister is 3 years younger. It affected negatively in the sense that I felt extremely lonely, I knew that if I stayed out late, got drunk, didn't come home, etc. it didn't didn't matter. No one was coming to save me. My mother stopped texting me asking if/when I was coming home when I was around 14 years old.

I realized pretty early on that no rules, no structure, and living in a very "Every man for themselves" sort of way had benefits if you wanted to be sneaky or misbehave, but if you really craved familial support, guidance, and a feeling of security, you were pretty much fucked.

I started dating boys really early on like 14, and even now at 28, I haven't been single for more than a couple months at a time. I developed codependency because I was afraid of self-regulating my emotions all alone, I needed the framework of a relationship (however toxic) in order to feel "not alone".

What's more, I dealt with serous depression from age 11/12 onward, and it went completely untreated until my early 20's when I realized that nothing had actually been done for me as a child/teen to try and fix it. I got ECT, tried different meds, and have been in psychotherapy for a few years, and it's gotten better.

I want to say that I don't blame everything negative in my life on my upbringing, but I do attribute a lot of the low-self esteem, paralyzing self-doubt, and fear of abandonment/being "alone" to the dynamic in which i was raised.

Medical and emotional neglect were consistent themes throughout my upbringing, which went hand-in-hand with "Hands Off" or "Laissez-Faire" parenting.

Ultimately though, I do think that my mother was profoundly immature, overworked, distracted, and lacking in even the most basic desire to learn to understand me.

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