How do you find bad or fake news

The reason fake news is so dangerous is because it’s mixed in with truths. And it’s not always blatant lies like “Joe Biden killed a hooker in college.” It’s usually small things that misconstrue facts. Like when the Democrats passed a bill a few years back that acted like aid to Pakistani girls and women. Republicans criticized it as a gift to Pakistan which is where bin Laden was found. Like, yeah, it is a gift to Pakistan, and that is where bin Laden was found, but this is money to help women and children get an education so they can fight for their civil rights, which is probably the more important part of the story.

So a lot of people read the Fox News version of that story and came away with “wow, we’re giving away money to Pakistan when we have people in America who need help.” And this just fuels the same kind of rhetoric that only seems to happen when you give money to brown people. Give as much money to military contractors as you want. No complaints from Fox News. Help brown women and children? That’s just a waste of money.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread