How can some Zionist modern orthodox people claim that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, but then at the same time desire and wish for a theocratic Israel where Halacha fully will govern the people

Here's what you don't understand -- you're comparing apples to oranges: the world we live in and the messianic age. They are not the same, in fact, they are completely different and not comparable. You are saying that MO want "democracy" in this world but are hoping for a "theocracy" in the messianic age. And that's a contradiction? Oh sure, you say, because then we're going to have sanhedrins of 23 and capital punishment all over the place.

Really? Let's suppose the messiah came. So we'd have peace on earth, the Beit Hamikdash rebuilt, David's descendant ruling in Jerusalem, the in-gathering of Jews to Eretz Israel, universal recognition of Hashem as God ("in that day God will be one and His name one"), the lamb lying down with the lion, no more wars, etc. etc. Universal peace and brotherhood, utopia on earth. And you think we are going to have a high crime rate??? Lots of murder trials and executions? So in your view, things are going to be no different in the messianic age than today? Wut? No, things are going to be completely different.

"an Halachic state not really different to Daesh"

That's your description of the messianic era. But if no one commits any crimes in the messianic age -- then what need will there be for capital punishment and/or flogging?

I prefer Micah's description of the messianic era:

"They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
4 Everyone will sit under their own vine
and under their own fig tree,
and no one will make them afraid" (Micah chapter 4)

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