How do I, the candidate, politely end a job interview early if the job is not right for me?

They came looking for me, not the other way round (this is part of the long winded story I didn't explain). I accepted the interview mainly out of curiosity and also the remote possibility it could lead to something decent; I didn't accept it out of desperation to get the job. So I appreciate what you're saying, but they are going to have to sell their job to me, not the other way round.

Frankly, the (vague) job description they have given me sounds tedious and arduous, so ordinarily I wouldn't even consider it, but there is a slim chance they will offer good money for it. If they do offer a good salary then I'll give it some careful consideration, but if the highest they will go is lower than what I want - and I expect it will be - then I'm not interested in prolonging the interview for another second. I'm not going to fight for a job I'm not particularly interested in to begin with.

So that's why I'm looking for some polite ways - phrases or strategies - to terminate the interview early if it becomes obvious the job/salary is not what I want, as well as ways to speed up the interview in general. I'd rather not sit through a 2 hour interview, answering lots of probing questions and hearing them waffle on about their wonderful company, when I could easily determine if I want the job or not within literally a couple of minutes by asking a couple of direct questions.

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