Leave voters are not all idiots – some Londoners still don’t get it | Abi Wilkinson | Opinion

I have described previously why I voted how I did. There's little point in trying to argue now whether leave or remain were a better option; no one here is going to change their position are they? It just generates more circular discussion which hasn't stopped since last June. Hence my focus on the generalisations many make about people who voted a certain way, rather than the arguments for or against leaving which are only ever met with the same few one liners, "muh sovereignty" etc.

My point still stands that many, myself included, have been accused of being some sort of racist who is in denial about being one, or embarrassed about being mislead by tabloid lies.

I'm late 20s, a Londoner, hold two degrees, only ever voted for left wing parties at a GE, never bought a copy of a tabloid in my life, and I don't have any problem with immigration.

Since you asked, I was dissatisfied with the direction in which the EU was heading, the fact any sort of reform or change to the UK's standing seemed improbable, and yes, the somewhat complicated sovereignty issue. And I get there were many good reasons for remaining also; it wasn't a simple decision. Of course I am also concerned about how leaving actually goes. It's an unknown.

I don't expect you to share my views on this (and that is fine), but constantly insulting (or laughing) at people and writing them all off as fulfilling only one narrow stereotype is getting incredibly old.

The very point I was replying to really is important. Yes, there are idiotic, sneering leave voters claiming some sort of patriotic victory, but the hostility towards leave voters shown by some people means many have also been silent, and those people haven't slung insults. They've just kept out of many discussions because they know it will always end the same way. Most disappeared from this sub for that very reason.

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