How do you justify preventing someone like my wife from re-entering the USA?

Sorry if I'm not getting the extra context here, but what you're describing sounds, to me, like the definition of a mass purge of muslims from the United States. And it's also worrying that you try to rationalize this with the certainty that these people will be let back into the United States.

Because the truth is, none of us have any certainty of what the outcome of this policy is going to be. He's just as likely to call the whole order off tomorrow as he is follow through in the exact way you're describing.

In the same way, this also leaves a huge amount of doubt on just how far Trump will escalate Muslim persecution. Who's to say few San Bernadino-type terror attacks won't happen between now and then? Over 90 days, it'd be so easy for the Trump administration to capitalize on global terror events as reason to stoke fears about the dangers of Muslim immigrants. Then all of a sudden, he can say it's necessary for national security that we extend the period of inspection for whatever reason, or that we need to create a a domestic Muslim registry with the FBI.

If Trump's executive order wasn't meant to detain academics and engineers, then why did it happen? Why does there need to be chaos and harm in implementing this order? The option was there for him to talk with DHS leaders about how best to go about this, but he didn't. Instead he blindsided the agency, creating all of this unnecessary harm.

What's more likely is he didn't want to hear DHS's advice, because he knew they would challenge him on the details of how this would work. He wanted to make an example of all types of muslims, to be seen making a swift and powerful rejection of Islam as a whole.

It's all very Steve Bannon. Horribly cynical, politically ruthless, and absolutely merciless. It's not a joke and it's honestly really scary.

"Darkness is good," says Bannon, "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when liberals get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

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