How is it like to live with ADHD in Japan?

My DH has ADHD and I just knew my son has it too, quickly after he was born. So I really wanted to explore returning to Japan (I live in US now) but had to give that up bcs I read so many stories about how hard it is for ADHD kids to adapt to the strict disciplined culture of Japan. Obviously it's not impossible to live there with the condition, but it makes life so much harder. For example, my DH just cannot manage time. He is also extremely impulsive and keeps changing his mind. These are okay traits in the US but detrimental to a peaceful life in Japan bcs ADHD is not as well known yet and their traits come across as being lazy. From the stories I've read, it seems like it's really the mothers of these kids who have to bear all of the burden of keeping them in check.

/r/AskAJapanese Thread