First LDR- My (22f) boyfriend (29m) literally JUST moved to a new city and I already miss him so much I feel lost.

I guess any advice on making LDRs work?

Have you got a concrete end date in mind? Do you know WHERE you will close the gap? This will already help a lot. Furthermore, as soon as he's settled down, start planning trips to see each other and set countdowns on your phone. It's something you can look forward to and will make it easier for in between.

Have you talked about how much you're going to communicate? Will you have a weekly skype date? Will you text/ft or the like daily?

What about sexting/skype sessions?

How to distract myself when I feel like I need a hug and a kiss?

Keep yourself busy, meet your friends, do things you usually don't have time to do....

/r/relationships Thread