What is your opinion on selfies?

I know they do, because we discuss it, privately, in one on one check ins each week. We are open and honest with each other. We ask questions, share struggles and admit when we are wrong.

I have heard about it when I have made guidance choices they didn't feel were working for them, and in those times we have chosen a different path.

But the results expected from each of us (the best work you can do, all day every day, the highest standards) are the same, regardless of how we get there.

Everyone needs to be loved a little differently. It is my job to find out what that each for each team member.

This has been a very universal tool so far, and as long as it works, I will use it.

You do not know my kids. You do not work with us or live our lives. You do not get to decide how we run things. We do.

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