How do you organize your card collection?

I have a terrible time remembering card names but a crisp and clear memory of all mechanical features of a card, so my organization is set up to cater to such.

I. Rares/Mythics A. Binder Set for Standard, Binder Set for Modern, Binder Set for Vintage. Each Binder holds 2 colors, or the miscellany, for its legality. 1. Black Rare Cards a. Black-Colored Artifacts (Black Artifact/Enchantment Creatures are instead sorted with the Black Creatures due to their possessing Power/Toughness) i. Sorted by Converted Mana Cost -Sorted Alphabetically b. Creatures i. Sorted by Converted Mana Cost. -Sorted by Power within CMC. -Sorted by Toughness within Power/CMC Combinations. -Sorted Alphabetically within each Power/Toughness/CMC Combination. c. Enchantments i. Sorted by CMC. -Sorted Alphabetically within CMC d. Instants i. Sorted by CMC. -Sorted Alphabetically within CMC e. Planeswalkers i. Sorted by CMC. -Sorted Alphabetically within CMC f. Sorceries i. Sorted by CMC. -Sorted Alphabetically within CMC

Repeat for each Color/Legality Combination of Rares. Repeat for each color of Modern/Legacy Commons/Uncommons, except C/U are stored in (generally) 5k Count Boxes based on Color/Legality.

Standard 5k Count box is sorted differently, with cards carrying the above sorting array, but also separated by what rotational "arc" they are tied to, for ease of removal from the box when their arc rotates out.

8 Copies of Non-Staple cards are kept in the boxes. 16-24 Copies of staple cards are kept in the boxes, depending on how frequently I need them for decks. Higher frequency=more copies in the reserve.

Promotional Cards are kept in their own Binder.

All Non-English cards and non-Promotional foil cards are pretty much immediately sold/traded upon acquisition so that I don't have to deal with them.

/r/magicTCG Thread