How safe is Trujillo, particularly in the El Porvenir district?

You don't specify if you are coming with an organization or alone? Surely purely by yourself in a country you've never been must sound already daunting for you; so I really hope you are coming with a NGO or similar. If so, then they would def give you the info and do's and don't for a safe trip to Peru.

However, if you are going alone then I would definitely say just .. mate .. no. I understand culturally people do this in Europe and developed countries, but your research must have already shown you that first, Peru is a developing country, in Latinamerica. And the fact that when you google "Peru traveling alone" the first option to click on is "Safety tips for women traveling alone in Peru".

If you already felt like drawing a question like this, then your gut feeling is already telling you something. What you really need is to read the news about Peru overall. I feel you already know that you are not experienced enough to do these type of trips and volunteer work alone in a country you don't know. So, maybe it would behoove you to avoid risk and find an experienced partner to do your volunteer work with.

/r/PERU Thread