How would you envision your idea for a Smash DLC character reveal?

Here's my idea for a possible reveal trailer for Crash Bandicoot.

Many gaming mascots, such as Mario, DK, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac Man, Snake, Link, Banjo and Kazooie, etc. are on a sunny and beautiful beach/island. As they're all relaxing, things start to go out of line.

A Wumpa Fruit quickly nails Snake in the back, sending him flying. Afterwards, the others spread out to look for danger. Next, Link steps behind them into the back of a Nitro Crate which sends him blasting into the sky, with his shoes flying off behind him. Other comedic violence insues, such as Mega Man being ran into and sent flying by a wild hog, DK being pushed off a cliffside by a blurry, fast moving, brown colored force (Aku Aku), Banjo and Kazooie being crushed by a giant boulder, and the like.

Only a few of the mascots remain unharmed, before Cloud, in the middle of a nearby for

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