Have you just begun treatment?

Just wondering how you tend to feel when you are:

- underdosed
- on the right dosage
- over the right dosage

When I was underdosed (2.5mg dexamphetamine), I felt pretty anxious, more impulsive and really emotional (I am inattentive type). On what I thought was a good dosage (5mg dexamphetamine), I felt more compelled to do things, but I didn't experience that "laser focus", the anxiety still lingered and my heart rate increased considerably. I was hesitant to increase the dosage from here in case the anxiety (and my heart rate) increased further. (For the record my Psychiatrist is happy for me to "play" with my dosage up to 10mg while I figure out what works best for me and I discussed all of these things with him at my last consult).

Today, I decided to bite the bullet and so I slightly increased to 7.5mg and I'm definitely a LOT more focused, but ambient noise (like my clock ticking and my washing machine running) are reeaaaally annoying me. When I get deep into doing something, like typing this post, I am unbothered but when I pause, the sound is all I can hear. Not in an "I'm irritable" way, but in an "excuse me, please stop" way. I'm trying to figure out if this is a sign that I'm still slightly under my target, if I'm over, or if this is just a thing that happens and I'll learn to live with it?

Would love to hear how you feel when you're in that medication "sweet spot", and what indicates to you that you're slightly off target.

/r/ADHD Thread