
You really have no leg to stand in this argument lol. Its quite intriguing to see.

Here, ill add the finisher and end your stance with mercy.

Original comment stated the desk was not well designed. I used the car rolling down hill example. You said, some cars are prone to accidents over others yada yada. So you’re implying some cars may prevent a car from rolling down a hill? Yes? Okay. So does that mean the cars that DO roll down the hill are not well designed? I mean they function and perform all necessary functions to be considered a car. No? You see, you can have the best designed car out there, thatll still roll down a hill. Why? Because designers aren’t wizards that prevent idiots.

Apply that to desks and you’ll get it, hopefully. You’ll probably go after my username next in a desperate attempt to blur out your misery.

/r/instant_regret Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com