Are your cards friggin essays? Especially for reviews, this is extremely slow. Assuming this isn't a focus issue, it sounds like you need to cut out the fat from your cards...

As an example: I'm a med student, memorizing tons of complicated, multi-step pathways. Absent rare exceptions where it's really needed (i.e. where your reaction is 'wtf is this nonsense'), Anki reviews are not the time to review the entire pathway, it's time to memorize the fact at hand and move on. While I include more expanisve review material drop-down buttons on my cards (so, when I DO need to review a broader concept, I can do so in a quick and consistent way -- at least compared to going to Google each time), the cards themselves are very short and to the point, with only 1 or 2 relatively simple facts clozed out. So, if I know the card and the concept, it takes about 5 to 10 sec (max) to complete and move on. If this doesn't describe your cards, I'd say that's your problem...

/r/Anki Thread