Husband is very controlling and is starting to really get on my nerves.

Thank you, I am so sorry you have been through a similar situation as me, it is a very lonely place. Those are all very good tips, especially the packing things and “donating” them. I often wondered how I would get away with that, was going to just leave it all if I ever left him. I do fear him, I know what he is capable of. I have seen how he can manipulate people into believing he is a saint. He is very good and when I watch him with his family I can see how he got me to believe he was amazing.

He is a good father, he doesn’t abuse them physically but he can be controlling at times with the kids. They love him and so I think he feels secure with their love because kids always love their parents no matter what. where as with me it’s not a given I will always love him and when I show signs that I don’t love him he isn’t happy and will become vile towards me. He is hard work and I usually handle it well but with being so sick lately I have been struggling.

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