Am I (33F) Falling Foolishly for My Partner (38m)?

I'm so sorry you went through this, it sounds like an emotionally draining nightmare. I really don't understand the motivation of people cheating - like, why be in a committed, monogamous relationship if you want to be with other people?

I commented on the circumstances of his divorce in another comment, but I think he's been pretty open at admitting his faults and how they contributed, as well as painting a picture of his ex-wives and their circumstances. I'm less worried about the fact that he has a romantic past, and more concerned about whether he views things (like moving in together, for instance) as significant as I do.

With feedback from your response and others, I've decided to gather my thoughts and reflect a bit about what my concerns are then have a proper conversation with him in the next couple of weeks to check in and see how he's feeling. Hoping that clear communication can either clear up my concerns or highlight them, either of which makes it a lot easier to understand how I'm actually feeling and what I need to do.

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