Becoming a new father at 55.

Not everyone thinks parenting is super draining or expensive. It’s just a lot of people’s default to be super negative and say shit like “enjoy your sleep now!! Har har har! You won’t be able to do that with the babbbbyyy!!” I just had a baby with an older partner and we might just have a great baby, but we aren’t struggling so far. I even recently talked to my mom who had 4 kids, asking her experience, and she agreed that we were never much of a burden and it was relatively easy for her and my dad. She also had her last at 43. We know a lot more about fertility now, where in the past women would freak out about turning 30, but the reality is most women only start to see a drop at around 38 and it’s kind of gradual. Talking and deciding with your partner at 35 you want a child is fairly normal imo, which is what is sounds like they’re doing.

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