Idk why this clip made me so sad.

I don't miss her uncontrollable buggy RR clone that half the time didn't even work and would just do a weird shuffle in place and then disappear uselessly. I also thought it was stupid that you could RR a cait ult from across the map with no counterplay. I love her current 8 second clone that is fully controllable.

I don't miss playing her as a splitter instead of an assassin and getting constantly flamed and harassed by my team for not being able to blow people up in less than a second.

I really hated the negative attention and how she somehow managed to be even more hated than pre-rework, and was neutered every single patch she showed up in after her rework.

I did like her malleable ult, but it also lowered her skillcap and made her have a dash on command at all times.

/r/LeBlancMains Thread