If you could equate each US State to a EU country, who would be who?

Lol these posts crack me up. It's like a shitstorm of down votes. Down vote the comments. Down vote the post.

9000 posts about the USA and how much everyone hates it. Or compare it to some other country and decide who's more racist or better.

EU countries founded America. I find myself living in German Town. After moving here from Little Havana.

Everything in America is from Europe or some other country.

We're poor asf and your average American is the same average as every other poor ass mother fucker on this god forsaken planet.

If I could equate every state to some dumb ass shit, I wouldn't. I'd just say STFU with your troll ways.

Take some genuine joy in your fucking life and maybe read a fucking book.

/r/AskReddit Thread