LPT: Consider adopting two kittens instead of one. They entertain each other endlessly and are great for each other.

gf and i lived briefly in a house where the roommate had 5 cats. We were about to move into a house together so we got our own kitten. The kitten was well recieved by all 5 of the cats and had a bunch of buddies to play with. He was a great kitten. Couple months later we moved and brought our lil bastard with us, his personality immediately changed. He was always screaming, he needed constant attention, and he was just overall clearly unhappy and kept us from getting any sleep. We tried to do what we could to entertain him, a whole goddamn mess of toys, a massive cat tree, i mean fuck we even had mice in the house he was able to chase and kill. But after several months we cracked and got another kitten (read as: bought our cat a kitten.) Our guy was immediately happier. It was like night and day. The second he was able to, he slipped into the room we were using to separate them and he stared loving and grooming on the kitten right away, no weird meeting period or anything like that. His behavior problems stopped, we could sleep again, and him and our new little dude were just straight up homies. about a year later now and theyre still absolutely obsessed with eachother. I got two fuzzy dudes warmin my feet as i type this.

/r/LifeProTips Thread