If you want the P-47 series fixed, this is how you go about it, stop complaining here and start providing data!

Oh for Christ sake not this again....

Hi, Both Messer_smitt and myself tested various P-47's and found no discernable difference.

First off, it takes either absolute moron or person hell bent on not founding any difference. I for one dont think Knight or let alone Messer are morons!

And that's the first problem here, not seeing any difference in this case is done on purpose. I dont know about Knight, but i saw Messer flying P-47s and that dude knows very well it changed!

Second off, Knight is an fucking senior tech.moderator. If some dude here on reddit can dig out full patch notes:


So should the senior tech.mod, as a matter of fact he shouldnt have to do any digging for that, i'm pretty sure as an senior tech.mod he is given the full change log!

So the whole "we dont know what changed, prove us it did" farce is just an act. Act pulled by a person that very well knows what changed, not to mention that he can any time asks the devs if something actually changed and spare everyone...

Cause its us that need to prove them that Oswald efficiency at 0.008 is about 100 times lower than it should be for any plane, right? But no, we need 2 sources to show them that P-47 wasnt a fucking parachute....

Just keep in mind that the data mined stuff isnt even admissible in the bug report. Only historical sources! Exactly that ridiculous that whole thing we call FM bug report is...

Not only that, he asks us to provide with 2 historical sources that P-47 was not an WW I biplane. How we should do that?

So you tell me, how we should prove to that prick something he already know or should know if he did any sort of effort? How we should prove him that the there is fatal flaw in the FM without the FM file not being admissible?

And actually why? Why we should even bother proving something to someone who is either such moron he aint worth the effort or lies on purpose (with the former being more likely)?

You do realize that the whole "stop complaining here and start providing data" entirely stands on a senior tech.mod being unfit for his position and on ridiculous belief that senior tech.mod isn't provided with full change log (at which point he aint fit to be senior tech.mod in such case)....

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