food of thought ---> the Fast

Whilst i am generally skeptical of compulsory rituals in general, i find your post overly petty and literalistic. With the 2:185 thing I mean cmon this is just being petty. There are two benefits to fasting (not counting certain health benefits).

1 Enhancing Compassion & Empathy for the poor and those with limited food

2 Building Temperance or Self Restraint (not only in food but in sexual thoughts, anger, ego etc)

Now of course there may be people who already have good amounts of these virtues without fasting. I dont think its the only way to develop these virtues but a possible way that many people need. What is not good is teaching people to fast and if you miss fasts you will burn in hell. This is a big problem.

Of course there are some that fasting makes the person worse. They are more ratty, grumpy, irritable, quick to get angry. So in this case i wonder what point is there in punishing one self by depriving food. Also in the modern world peoples schedules, work or school may interfere with the ability to fast.

/r/Quraniyoon Thread