If it would have just done this instead of basically ostracize him then he probably wouldn't have gone off and nearly caused the end of the world again.

But again I feel that the fault does not lie solely with him but rather it lies also with many of the other characters.

Here's the thing. Most of those other characters are not going to care.

By piloting the Eva and restarting an Impact and endangering the human races very survival. . . again. He proved every preconception everyone ever had about him right. He's not just irresponsible, and he's an existential danger to the survival of the human race itself. Nobody is going to care about his motivation, his mental state, whether or not he understood the consequences of his actions. Nobody is going to want to understand why he did what he did. They'll just want the danger gone.

Pretty much Everyone on the Wunder is going to want him DEAD for what he did in 3.33, simply for pragmatism. He's basically a sentient H-Bomb that can't control when he'll go nuclear. I'll be genuinely surprised if someone in Final doesn't try to kill him to save the human race. Shinji's actions have resulted in nothing but pain and misery and suffering for everyone around him. It would be better off for literally everyone if he died

I remember one time going through something slightly similar.

With all due respect. You didn't accidentally murder millions of people or endanger the very survival of the species. Shinji did. The two situations are not at all comparable. This is what TV Tropes refers to as a Space Whale Aesop.

Buffy: I had one drink. Giles: Yes, and the world was very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake (because you drank). The words "Let that be a lesson" are a tad redundant at this juncture.

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