If you're LGBTQ BORN in the 90s and below, it's selfish to come out to your parents

Not really I beg to differ on this. Y'all underestimate how much your parents love you. Or maybe just me. It also depends on how you guys relate with them. There's an old saying from where I come from that kids are not thrown away( literal translation) n a parent loves the kid even when they are disabled. So you coming out to your parents may even bring you guys closer. They might be disappointed but they'll accept you. Also, what's with the mentality of always looking at how other people will perceive you? I doubt the same people consider what you'll think of them bfr they make their judgements.

Be open with your parents abt some things, well of course not everything. But maybe that's just me. To each their own.

/r/Kenya Thread Parent