The ignorance of class issues in SJ

I think class is paid more attention to than skin colour at this point in our society, tbh. I am aware that I'm biased to this, but this is my perspective (hopefully mine won't get ripped to shreds cause this isn't Tumblr -__-)

I grew up middle class/upper middle class when I lived with my family. I would have considered myself of having enjoyed the experience of your average white North American family. No strife within the family. I was bullied at school and had some mental/behavioural issues growing up, but that's besides either of these points.

When I graduated high school I decided to move 4 hours away to a big city. I fell in love with it and have been living here for 5 years now. It's great. Like many people my age, I rely on both some money I make myself as well as some money from my parents. I am grateful they are able to provide for me from afar while I pursue my education. I hate the stereotype we're all you think I'm going to ship them off to a nursing home? Hell no. Anyways.

At this point in my life, money is very tight. Even with my parents support and the money I do make, I'm 100% living below the poverty line. I have food, shelter, and utilities, but after that there really isn't much. I don't always have money for new clothes, and last winter I didn't have money for boots for a few weeks after the first snowfall. I just didn't. People notice these things, and they give you some judgement for it. I got called stupid for walking around in low tops in the snow. Yes, I should have saved last winter's boots but I didn't. So now I have to wait and buy new ones. What did I learn? Hold onto your boots in case you need them. How am I more priviliged in this case than my Indian classmate who's father is a millionaire and buys his darling a pair of red-sole Louboutins every time she brings home an A? I'm not. I'm not trying to be bitter about her privilege either, she was born to who she was born to and is lucky as I am to have parents who provide for her. But I almost got fired because I couldn't afford to buy shoes for my new job because they were withholding my pay until I bought new shoes.

Its little things like that. People don't "believe you" unless you're living in a cardboard box. Sometimes poverty is clean, but with no room to spare. And people don't see that or give that any credit.

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