I'm embarrassed that I won't be in advanced Math

your cousin is a jerk for saying that. we all live our lives in our own way. we are all doing the best we can.

i also suck at math, and i graduated with an Associates degree from a community college last year, and now i've been accepted into one of the best schools in the country to earn a Bachelor's, and maybe go further to earn a Master's or Doctorate degree.

and yes, you can pursue med school with mediocre math skills.

i would be mindful of why you are pursing med school. is it because you are genuinely interested in it, or because you want to compete with your cousin? going to med school and becoming a doctor is a MASSIVE investment. you would be hundreds of thousands in student debt, and spend every day of your life up to about 25 in college, and then you have years of residencies before you can practice on your own. do you know of any actual doctors you could talk to about it? hearing what they have to say might help you a lot, and give you the ambition to keep working towards your goals.

/r/self Thread