Oh what a time to be alive

So you want anyone critical of Islam to qualify their statement a million times so they aren’t misinterpreted? Isn’t that exactly what destiny has fought against for the past like, 8 months.

I think you are seeing dogwhistles where none exist, it’s the anecdote of contrapoints seeing that one ad all over again. By having an immediate knee jerk reaction to religious criticism you are actively making it harder for people to speak out against the horrible abuses suffered in religious countries around the world. You know atheism and apostasy are punishable by death in at least 6 countries right? Shouldn’t that take up more priority than “I feel like this could lead to bad feelings down the road.”

Further “Muslims in the west are generally as fine as other religious groups” is an EXTREMELY low bar to set. It’s like saying proud boys are generally as fine as other white nationalist groups in The US. And do you have any data that supports your claim that there are comparable levels of bigotry among Abraham if religions? I’m not even sure if that’s true.

Finally I would SERIOUSLY urge you to read the Quran and the Bible more thoroughly. I am extremely aggravated by people arguing online that religions are benign without knowing much about their founding texts, (that’s if you can get past how repetitive it is lmao). I seriously bet it will black pill you to hear the awful descriptions of torture in hell contained IN SCRIPTURE (note neither Judaism nor Christianity ever describe hell in much detail, if at all) that you are borderline endorsing when you argue it’s benign (same with Christianity): (boiled alive repeatedly and having your skin re grown, forced to drink molten lead, forced to drink and be scalded by boiling water, hung by hooks through your breasts(for women), disemboweled, forced to walk on coals, oh also most of the occupants are said to be women too so that’s nice…).

I’m sorry I just cannot be morally ok with people endorsing this in their religion, whether they are catholic, Muslim, or Jewish.

/r/Destiny Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it