Im somali male. and want a girlfriend. Its just difficult. Any ideas?

When did i say i barely find them pretty? I swear girls this age, just want to hear what they want to hear. Pure psychos and gasslighters.

Im attracted to all races, mby i should say that before somone gets triggered...

I said this " I found a somali girl without hijab cute but they are rare,"

I find somali girls very cute, but many of them wear hijabs. How the f im i going to hit on them as non religious or muslim? They probably dont date x muslims. Most men find girls without hijabs more cute cause hair is a nice compontent of attraction.

If anything that makes me not attracted to somali girls, are girls like you who are overly agressive, and insults men by assumtions. Simply by west and feminaziz.

Most say im very nice person, i have no need to disrespect other races, but respect is 2 way street nayahe.

/r/XSomalian Thread Parent