"Women aren't even in my top 10 genders after this bullshit" +2408

Ohhh yeah those. Im subscribed to everything. You see, I love politics. Im subscribed to r/PoliticalHumor as well as r/The_donald. Im also subbed to r/FULLCOMMUNISM and r/SubOfPeace. I love having all the opinions in a single feed and analysing what I believe in and what I desagree.

While you bring it up, I find concerning the amount of censorship on conservatives recently. If im honest, Im more center-left, but I still dont like that.

Keep calling me a nazi if you want, but no I wont keep following MDE because I didnt really like it to begin with. Im open to conversation if you tell me what your views are on the matter discussed in this thread.

/r/ShitRedditSays Thread Parent Link - reddit.com