Imagine if CIG has a publisher to answer to, something like this could happen.

There is a balance.

Developer here; many years of -- ship now, ask questions later...

sometimes there is a need to ship, and I can see that in Star Citizen. You can't demo your tech and expect to stay a leader forever... Great artists ship... or something like that...

That's what a publisher gives you - a deadline. Developers love and hate deadlines, they are a frustrating reality. TBH; one area where CIG could improve is having the PTU and a PTU-mothly (or either-or, doesn't matter to me) where we can play either the latest "stable alpha" or the "alpha alpha but hey check these features out" version...

The comparison with One Man's Lie is different... There is so much (video, non-playable) content that there is always something new being shown... but... shown... not played... hmm... Dere... nevermind...

I have a lot of faith in CIG. But, in a way, I think they need to have more of a publish mentality...

But not... publish, walk away, and move on...

I wonder how the artists, programmers, and so on; feel without actual user feedback. well...

/r/starcitizen Thread