Into the Void

If the letter on fate were for me, I find it a bit humorous because I was very recently thinking about my repeated misuse of the word. Fate is the predetermined path our life will follow, whether we desire it or not. Destiny is something we are meant to experience, but must put forth the effort in order to will it so. Perhaps this isn’t fate, because I was afraid to move forward with my life and you were perhaps reluctant or afraid to follow this path towards me. I’m not sure. All I know is that I would be a fool to succumb to my fate if I had the chance to be with a partner who treated me with respect and kindness. I truly do adore you. I’m sorry for being persistent, and I really can wait patiently, if that’s what you need. I just don’t want to give up on this opportunity that seems to be so much more meaningful than I ever imagined it could be. I don’t want to give up on you.

/r/u_Lost_in_the_Shadows_ Thread