Introducing the Oppressor MKIII with infinite homing orbital canons which can lock onto anything that lives and breathes. A fucking bike faster than a millitary grade jet. Get yours now from Warstock at a cheap price of 50 million dollars.

I have an idea for a concept that I wouldn’t be too mad if they implanted

You know what? If they actually do implement this but with barrage missiles and explosive turret, a very good speed but maneuverability worse than the tug boat, and make it not come with flares but with a dodge ability. Also no boost. It could maybe hold a second person.

Give it a marker on the map and give it a 10 minute call timer from even the mechanic. Basically like the oppressor Mk 2 but double the time.

Also make the explosive turret like a powerful but slower version of the b-11 strikeforce’s turret and make it pure skill based. Passenger shouldn’t be able to control it.

Instead of just jacking up the price maybe the purchase should be locked behind something, like a heist or something and maybe not have just a pay to win aspect but rather something you would need to grind for. Maybe a lot of achievements, maybe all of them.

Just an idea.

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