I've come a long way and would like some recommendations!

Seduce juice is great. The sample pack is 10 10ml bottles for just under $50. Anything with snake in the name is good, but personal favorites are * Dharma(sweet black tea laced with the ashes of incenses for a balancing bitter(not really) tart, letting you inhale fumes that make you forget you're vaping,not smoking) * Snake Eyes(spiced honey oats cereal coated in fresh bananas) * Exodus 7:20(strawberry watermelon child aborted fresh so you can savor its sickly sweet blood complete with tart, even though it never alive, you'd pretend it was cause you'd feel it kicking around in your mouth) * White Walker (: a satanic winter festival) * Myrrh( an autistic Kiwi is addicted to attention so he bugs Blueberry, unaware that Blueberry wants him to shut the fuck up. Blueberry told kiwi many times" please stop" but autistic Kiwi itself did not know that it needed the attention of others so it kept on going and going so eventually, blueberry had to make a decision. It would either kill itself from the constant annoyance in it's life, or, it would tell itself a lie, tell itself that it enjoyed Autistic Kiwi's pestering. Blueberry wanted to try to enjoy it's life more so it told itself it liked Kiwi, that Kiwi should have been appreciated since the beginning . This let some stress off of Blueberry , for a while that is. Kiwi noticed that it wasn't getting it's daily dose of attention so it took it up a notch, it started getting physical with Blueberry. Blueberry thought to himself " Kiwi wants attention does it?". Blueberry knew that no matter how hard he tried he would never be the same from before Kiwi entered it's life so there was only one thing for Blueberry to do. Blueberry waited for Kiwi to make contact so that blueberry could finally end everything once and for all. Kiwi was confused and was yelling incomprehensible sounds. At the beginning, Blueberry would have been annoyed, and be plagued with headaches. But now? Now Blueberry had learned to enjoy everything Kiwi did in order to stay sane, or at least pretend. But what Blueberry felt was definitely the enjoyment of the screams of terror that kiwi produced. Blueberry finally did what had to be done and threw Kiwi into the Blender of Destiny, where all fruits are destined to go. Screams from Kiwi quickly turned into the squishing sound of insides being cut up into little and littler pieces by the second. Blueberry thought that revenge was the answer to everything, that everything would change once Kiwi was dead.

Since then, Blueberry always had fake creamy memories of Kiwi, with just enough space for the soursweet revenge to always taint the memory, just the right amount)

Although, I'd wait for Christmas sales which are usually around 25-30% off.

/r/electronic_cigarette Thread