I've recovered from depression. It's possible! AMA

I've dealt with depression issues my entire life as well. I've tried pretty much everything. Over half a dozen different antidepressants over the last 20 years. Currently on Wellbutrin. It does seem to help some. And I really like that it doesn't have any side effects, but sometimes I've had trouble even on it.

I had learned about studies done on psilocybin for those with depression, and having spent quite a bit of time looking into everything available I decided to give it a try. I wont go into specific details but I will say that spores are 100% legal in almost every state to buy online.

I can say without any reserve that discovering this medicine has changed my life. When I feel myself getting down / depressed I can make some tea with the stuff and in very short order the depression and any anxiety are instantly gone. And not just for the duration of the 'effect', but for weeks to months after.

I do not use the mushroom on a regular basis. Frankly, I find the use of it taxing in a way. While the experience is somewhat pleasant from a psychical perspective it feels like a significant mental workout, so to speak, and my mind feels exhausted by the process. I support this makes sense considering how it works.

I really hope that more studies are done on this, and that idiotic lawmakers can get the fuck out of the way of progress. I would prefer to get access to this from a pharmacy and medical professionals, but since that is denied to me, I'll handle it another way.

I cannot in good conscience promote this since there is a notable risk involved in self medication with any drug, and this one especially has its very unique 'querks'. I can say for me, I had little to lose when deciding to try it, and I have absolutely zero regrets.

My advice to anyone else who might be considering this approach. Do as much research as you possibly can. Understand what it can do, and what it can't do. Come to a full realization of the risks. And then when you know enough make an informed decision.

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