Jesse's "news" updates on from 2005 were just like the note from the Science Fiction pre-order... SO GOOD...

Here is the text for those that don't want to dive through links! (Pt 2)

august 4, 2005 hello. Have you given up? please do not joke.  let's update the updates. First off, while Brand New are currently studio bound and aren't touring, there ARE other bands in the world who ARE playing which is what is great about music. now Je$se and BRian MAY OR MAY NOT be going to one or all of the MenWomenAndChildren/NightmareOfYounortheast tourrrrrrrrring dates.  We are not trying to be secretive. We are just coy. and we've been thinking and realizing that we have about 2,342 songs demoed/tracked/arranged/workedout ect.ect.ect. so there is a good chance that we may let some of that out in a pre-chosen media form in the near future BEFORE our actual record which has ten working titles. this isn't a promise but we're getting tired of being the only people who actually listen to us lately.  Besides BrandNew I've/we've been listening to (in no order): Big Star, Joanna Newsom, stealing guitar sounds and feedback from Darklands by Jesus and Mary Chain, and Sigur Ros' Takk which i have waited patiently for but which someone FORCED on me illegally and which i will buy three copies of to make up for when it releases. but boy oh boy, do those gentle boys make some noises!?!  *************************$$$  The other night we tracked or wrote a real good song. Our friend Margaretttt was there and she was playing all my guitar parts on her violin and it turned out great and it made me turn the guitar down and turn her up. She's kind of a one girl band, i'm gonna make you look stupid with how many instruments i play, kind of girl. Kevin and Erikwere around that night as well so it was a stands out in your memory i'm thankful to God that we have friends type of night.  We hope things are going well. Lately when mike's basement starts to close in on us we've been hanging around OFFbEat. Come by and say hello!! and show us how many decks you can ollie or how well you can dance.  say "later" 


jese.  july 10, 2005

July10. On this DaY in tHE late 70's SO and sO was bRoUgHT intO THE WoRLD. 

july 2, 2005 days later... we are still working on things. if you haven't caught on everything is being done by ourselves. the problem is that we write songs, not computer code, so we are slow, but at least be reassured that everything you see is from our own minds and our own hands. all the pictures our from the boxes in our closets and all the words are from the proverbial horses mouth.  SO! i believe there were some mysterious pictures floating around of the band playing in a living room somewhere. What happened was we holed up in a house all winter with the guitars and the amps and the keyboards and trombones and things and also MenWomenAndChildren were there and we all were writing songs, playing all the EA Street games and weathering THE STORM that was snow as well as our bands. They kept everything they wrote because they are indiscriminate dance-a-holics and because everything they do is perfect, and we kept one song. The working title is "yeah" and the the refrain goes, "...YEAH!" and the middle eight is more like the chorus and it's got some loud guitars going on. That's all i can really say about it. We are working on the art of "rebridging" which isn't a real thing and probably isn't a good idea. Lately now we have been living at Mike's house though and flying back and forth between cities and using people's studios and their instruments and always writing songs and then forgetting them and hooking my phone up to the patch bay so we can listen to about a years worth of melodies that i sang into my voice mail while driving in my car. This is our day to day to day. We hope yours is equally or more interesting. wE THankS you ALL so much for your PATIENCE and for being patient. Eventually we will stop beating ourselves up and just give you a record, but till then we are waiting WITH you and we will keep caring. FightOFfyouRdemons is lo-FI.

with love and speed. 

fusionANomaly june 27, 2005 Hello. Or welcome back. It is a relief to write this and we'd like to take the time to tell you how grateful the band is for the patience everyone has shown while we waited to re-open the lines of communication. We know it has been a while and we don't know how to respond. We have each spent the last year discovering new losses, new loves, and as always, new sounds. We didn't leave, we've just been trying to be the best at being ourselves, and sometimes that requires pause. In any event, here we are. We've always wanted to use the site as the straightest distance (besides noise) between ourselves and all of you and we are now making the commitment. Yet another site is being constructed for use after our next album is complete, but this one will serve in the interem to supply you with daily, or even hourly updates of our goings on. I'd like to personally thank everyone, especially the street team, for the love i recieved while i was sick this spring. Yes i had surgery. yes, there were multiple things wrong with me. Yes most of them have been fixed. All the cards, letters, and words are keepsakes though and i appreciate every single one of them.  As for the music, we HAVE BEEN recording, and writing, but honestly most of our time lately has been spent just kind of living, enjoying our families, and remembering what it is like to be ourselves. We've never felt like we HAVE to write music, but it's always happened anyway. And as always it is happening again, and from here on out you will know in detail the intricacies of each effort we make throughout the production of this record. It's hard to fit six months into one post so i'll stop here. Thank you all again for listening. We now continue... 

-Jesse, Brian, Vin, and Garrett

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