Mene lyrics?

Jeeze guys, just be cause the song has an apocalyptic theme doesn't mean it has to be about the band breaking up. It could be about anything

Lets try this out... umm lets use the context of Global Warming for instance? or more specially struggle with man's ultimate apathy to act in the face of disaster.

How does everything start and end?

I think the word "everything" is key word in this line. Could imply the world / universe / humanity ect..

My father spoke a prophecy, To think that I believed is self-centred of me. There was something I was trying to say, but then I choked on it and now it's gettin kinda late.

If we were to look in context it could be talking about how religion promised to save man - "the prophecy" - but man will be getting no such savior and how they are regretful to put faith in that as a easy out.

Written on the wall, Letters plain and tall, And this is my own fault. We don't feel anything

Pretty much an expression of "the verdict is in - we are fucking ourselves and we don't feel anything enough to take action "

The ocean never sleeps or dreams, and never stops to ponder what it sees. Committed to its satellite, No one can move you, man, and no one's ever going to try. All the tides are married to the moon. All I want is for my heart to be astrewn.

The Ocean theme ties in to the apocalyptic climate change scenario. "No one can move you man and no ones ever going to try" - nature has the ultimate power.

Nature never doesn't have to deal with the struggle of the conciseness of continuing on in a corrosive manner rather than making changes.

Note: Not that I really thing thats what this song is about. Im just saying - it doesn't have to be about them breaking up.

/r/brandnew Thread