Jihadi threat in Europe now 'beyond control' of authorities

I've said it many times and I'll say it again. The only way to stop this threat, is with the help of the Muslim communities. They 've had a historical opportunity after the November attacks in Paris to step forward and help identify radicals living all around Europe, however they've fallen short.

Not only have they failed to report, they where actively hiding the terrorist.

Europe has built many "Molenbeeks" . Because of the small wages, noone really cared up until now who these people are and how they feel about our laws, our ways and our values. We always thought that radical Islam was a problem that only the Americans would have to face. I just read an article which basically stated that two politicians of the Islam party who were elected in the municipal elections in Brussels, suggested imposing Sharia Law and gradually turning Belgium into an Islamic State.

I don't feel like it is our fault anymore, because every minority had to fight though the same barriers as they had. Only the muslim community is dead set in confirming their own biases. Meanwhile Chinese, Polish and a whole lot of minorities do well.


Also people should not come up with that bullshit that the west is causing this. Where is the outcry of muslims about saudi arabia bombing daily markets in Yemen and the huge number of casualties coming from that? Oh I almost forgot, that is casually ignored because white guilt fits the liberal narrative better over here.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - theage.com.au