Johnny the (Court established) wife beater said these in 2013, near the beginning of their relationship. He testified in the UK that it was in reaction to her asking him to get medical help in order to deal with his drugs/alcohol addiction.

Alright, I just want to say thank you for being rational and respectful in your last comment, I appreciate it.

The reason why pro-Amber spaces tend to be very combative and quick to block is because a lot of Depp fans just come to troll instead of looking for constructive discussions. Also Depp fans have the majority of other subs and social media accounts where they can talk about the trial without being harassed and spammed with disgusting private messages, so mods like to keep the subs clean and focused on our side of the discussion.

And I can understand you. I’m a rape and DV survivor, but even if I believed Depp was telling the truth, I still think the prevailing discourse around this trial and Amber is incredibly harmful to victims. I didn’t go to the doctor after I was assaulted because I was 13 and terrified. Then a few years later, when my ex was punching me in the face multiple times, I never had any bruises or swelling to prove it. And I stayed with him way longer than I should have because he was stalking and threatening me. He was also a very friendly, polite guy with a huge social circle and a great reputation. So what are “real” victims even supposed to do?

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