[JS] How do you execute a variable prompt, until the condition/s is/are met?

Ok, new problem. I go through each of the prompts, and when the last one is finished/closed, the whole page (and in some instances 'browser') freezes. I can't reload the page. Any idea why this might be?

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" defer> function delivery(){ var custName1 = prompt('What name will the order be under?'); var custAddress1 = prompt ('What address should we deliver the order to?'); var custNumber1 = prompt ('Please enter your phone number (land-line) in case we need to contact you'); while(custNumber1 > 8600000 || custNumber1 < 9999999); {var custNumber1 = prompt('Please enter a valid phone number. (8600000-9999999)'); } if(custNumber1 <= 8600000 || custNumber1 >= 9999999); {alert('Is this information correct?\nCustomer Name: '+custName1+'\nCustomer Address: '+custAddress1+'/nCustomer (land-line) number: '+custNum1+'' ); } } </script> <title>Pete's Pizza</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#66FFCC"> <div id="main"><center><h1>Pete's Pizza</h1> <h2><i>"The best pizza in Gisborne!"</i></h2><br> <h2><b><font color="red">◄</font> Pete's Pizza Menu <font color="red">►</font></b></h2> <br> <h3>Standard Pizzas (Hawaiian, Cheese, Veggie, Supreme, Pepperoni) - cost: <font color="red"><b><u>$9:50</u> </b></font></h3> <h3>Gourmet Pizzas (Meat-lovers, Chicken, Prawn) - Cost: <font color="red"><b><u>$15.50</u></b></font></h3> <br><br> <hr width="1200px" color="#003300"> <br> <h2><b><font color="#003300">◄ </font>Is this order for 'Pickup' or 'Delivery'?<font color="#003300"> ►</font> </b></h2><br> <input type=button value="Delivery" onclick="delivery()" id="delivery"> <input type=button value="Pickup" onclick="pickup()" id="pickup"> </center> </div> </body> </html>

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