Scientists discovered a new molecule that kills even the deadliest cancer. The study was carried out in isolated cells, both in human cancer tissue and in human cancers grown in mice

While the authors produced some safety information, it is improbable that it'd pass actual regulatory review. True safety almost always requires independent, GLP studies conducted by independent pathology experts. Are any of the authors who conducted this study board certified veterinary pathologists? Also, we will need to see all sorts of metabolism data to characterize how the molecule is broken down and eliminated.

I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking here, and commend the authors on the beginning steps. I'm just trying to clarify that the bar for safety is a lot higher. Just because the authors did some histology is a good start, but it really needs independent conduct next. I've seen far too much fraud or misinterpretation in my career from researchers who have too much vested interest in seeing their idea succeed.

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