July 04, 2016 - July 11, 2016 [GLB] Account Giveaways & Requests Megathread

Doing a Huge Giveaway! instead of deleting this batch gonna give away!

Here is how to get an account:

1.Reply to the comment and state which you would like

2. If it is not taken I will PM you, if it is taken delete your comment and ask for another, only one per person

3. Reddit account has to be over 1 month old and no lurkers

4.All are Fresh Level one accounts

STR SSG Goku | SSJ3 Goku

TEQ Majin Vegeta | INT Perfect Cell

TEQ Perfect Cell | STR SS Vegeta | PHY SS Gohan (adult)

TEQ SS3 Vegeta | INT Vegeta

AGL Golden Freeza | PHY Goku

AGL Leaping even Higher Goku | PHY Ultimate Gohan | PHY Goku

TEQ Pikkon | INT Android 13

AGL Ultimate Gohan | AGL SS2 Vegeta | TEQ Super Buu | STR SS3 Goku

AGL Ultimate Gohan | STR SS3 Goku x2

INT SS Gohan (adult) | PHY SSGSS Vegeta

AGL Golden Freeza | PHY Kid Buu

TEQ Pikkon | STR SS Goku

INT Metal Coora | INT Vegeta | STR SS Bardock

INT Perect Cell | Gogeta

INT SS trunks | Gogeta

AGL Kid Buu | INT SS Gohan (adult) | STR SSG Goku | STR SS3 Goku

TEQ Perfect Cell | TEQ Pikkon | PHY Ultimate Gohanx2

AGL Ultimate Gohan | AGL SS2 Vegeta | STR SS3 Goku

TEQ Perfect Cell | STR SS3 Goku

AGL | Golden Freeza | STR SSG Goku | STR SS Goku

For this one just guess my favorite number

AGL SS Goku GT | AGL SSGSS Goku | TEQ SS3 Vegeta | TEQ Pikkon | INT Perfect Cell | STR SSG Goku | STR SS3 Goku

I will also be giving away Gogeta accounts later tomorrow, I have about 7 saved up to give away!

/r/DBZDokkanBattle Thread Parent