If the black community started arming themselves and forming militias, would we begin to see stricter gun regulations passing more quickly?

I hunt with an AR-15. Furthermore, the Second Amendment isn't about hunting.

If - in some magical alternate bizarro world - gun ownership was restricted to only hunting style weapons and for people who register and maintain active hunting licenses, there would certainly still be some murders and suicides, but there would be a lot fewer of them

Pure conjecture. There are many anti-gun countries that have suicide rates higher than in America.

A mass shooting is much harder if you're having to reload every 5 rounds.

Pure conjecture. Making a magazine is trivial.

Gang violence is more difficult if everyone is using rifles and shotguns. A person couldn't easily conceal a long gun to commit an armed robbery.

Criminals already get guns they're not allowed to own. This would not change by violating the second amendment.

Guns area easier to make than drugs. Metal isn't a regulated material like precursors. Make guns illegal and Mexican cartels will start producing arms to fill the black market.

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