Just imagine, guyz.

Dude Nazi power in Germany did not rapidly expand at first. They were a small minority. Over the course of the 30's they slowly eroded the political climate. People's lack of outrage and inaction were as much to blame for the consolidation of Nazi power in Germany, as were the violent acts enacted by Nazis. Eventually they rose to power and had complete control. People are alarmed because they see these warning signs and know where he road leads. Chalking right wing terrorists up to a "bunch of neck beards" is a poor characterization and shows you don't grasp the threat.

Would you be in support of ISIS marching in America? No, because they are terrorists. Just like these white hate-groups are terrorists. Both kill people they hate, preach violence, and even use similar tactics (intimidation and driving cars into crowds).

The last global conflict was fought in order to stop these people. People were complacent and allow d for these people to come to power.

He first amendment does not protect those who preach violence or are considered terrorist groups.

/r/PoliticalHumor Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it