Kid at my Middle School

I don't bully anyone, and frankly I don't talk to anyone either. I know what it's like to be an outcast, and I don't think anyone deserves it unless they're a complete sociopath dick. She seems fine, but I just find weebs to be pretty cringe. I honestly don't know much about her other than that she cosplays My Hero Academia, and seemed confident enough to do a presentation on anime. You seem to see a bit of her in yourself, but I don't think chances are "very, very high that she has some serious issues". I guess there is a slight chance she could be on the autism spectrum, but it's definitely not my place to throw out diagnoses. I don't think she's doing too bad, because I've talked to her once of twice. I guess this post was a little venty and seemed kind of venomous in nature in hindsight. I might have come across as aggressive, but I don't harbor any ill will towards her.

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