Kids in Divine Liturgy

Very true.

On this same topic, a professor of mine in seminary said, “If you need to go outside, go for it, but make sure you leave the kid! What? You don’t think there will be crying, unruly children at the Final Judgment?”

I’ve met countless people, and you can see some here based on their post history, that are constantly distracted during Church and their response is that it’s everybody else’s fault and doesn’t fall back on their inability to focus during Liturgy.

I saw plenty of humble people that didn’t just focus during services when my kids were younger and active, but at times would get involved to try and wrangle my kids. Generally speaking, from what I’ve noticed, anybody who makes a strong stance of “the sanctuary is Holy, therefore kids should sit down quietly” doesn’t even have children. Most Priests couldn’t care less unless the child is being destructive. But a kid running around? Give me a break. If it bothers you, why not be an actual Christian and help the parents out?

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