Lady Gaga plans to virtue signal to conservatives at the 2017 Super Bowl. DO NOT FALL FOR HER DIRTY TRICK AND LET HER BREAK THE TRUMP CURSE! It's too late to replace her, so she must be persistently booed by the Houston TX crowd at her halftime show. Let's get hashtag #BooLadyGaga trending.

I agree with you in principle but a lot of the hate toward her here has to do with the spiritcooking stuff and her SJW extremism. I've been really disappointed to see so many celebrities double down on some of the worst parts of modern liberal politics over the course of 2016, instead of actually offering critical reasons for their positions and stances. This year has been a giant "REEEEEE!" fest on the left and it's really killed the my ability to enjoy most media as I see the taint of racism against whites, sexism toward men, the psychopathy of gender identity, etc and it makes me have little patience for these people anymore.

Gaga has been one of the louder ones in this and the whole spiritcooking shit, which is at the very least creepy as fuck and is indicative of some kind of psychological issues, which makes it all the more difficult to take them all seriously, let alone have a modicum of respect for them. I won't deny that she is talented but she isn't staying in that arena any more (the arena of her talent) and in that she deserves criticism and our social ostracism because of that fact. Until she stays in her realm of expertise I think people have a right to tell her to stfu and go back to making music.

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