LAPD Shoot and Kill Homeless Man

Look at the outrage the people who witnessed this are feeling here. Let's say you're standing there. For years you've been harassed by cops, you've had friends get arrested and beat up for no reason at all. Then one day, you see a crowd around a couple cops wrestling with someone. You go to see what's going on, and they're trying to wrestle your friend to the ground. For a moment, you consider leaving; you're carrying a gun and you don't want to get arrested for it. But you stay as they're fighting with your friend. You've known this guy forever, the two of you were best friends all the way up from elementary school. You consider stepping in to do something, you don't want him to get hurt.

You jump as gun shots ring out, one after another. Almost instinctually your hand moved to your waist as you look around to see who's doing the shooting. Then you see your friend, lying there on the ground as the two cops point their guns at him. Instantly, you feel yourself fill with rage. You think of your friend's mother, his brothers, and you begin yelling at the cops who just took him away from them. You begin pushing forward in the crowd, vision blurry from the tears in your eyes, feeling as though you're in a dream. You feel your hand close around the gun, and remove it from your pants. You point it at those piece of shit cops and begin firing.

All you need is empathy, man. I'm not saying their apes. I'm saying that if someone who you're friends with is shot for no reason, you'd be angry. If you're used to violence, or your judgement is clouded by some kind of intoxicant, you won't be as cautious as you would be otherwise. Just put yourself in their position, not as yourself, but as the individual themselves. I would never shoot someone, but I'm not in a gang. I didn't grow up in poverty. I haven't experienced these things. So you need to imagine you did. It's that simple.

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